1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.But I didn't expect him to break through 3440 after the news came out today.Call 3464 directly, and I think the counter-pumping in these two days is a self-help behavior of falling relay funds.
In front of me, I held some two-tier military industrial leaders unchanged, and I also kept the domestic operating system on the first floor unchanged. Seventy percent of the overall capital positions in my other positions were constantly switched in a flexible way.I opened the concept of a two-story consumer electronics stacker the day before yesterday. I adjusted it for one day yesterday. Today, I bounced back and made money. I didn't leave. I continued the pattern. I think I think the consumption position in this position is already very low, and the concept of stacking robots is added.Can it go up sharply next?
4. Today's turnover is slightly more than yesterday's.After the wave of adjustment stocks went up, it didn't end so soon, so I paid attention to the robot when adjusting.Third, the direction
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Strategy guide